Lim E-Lynn Joanne
One Woman Symphony is a sound work that captures the everyday sounds of digital life—typing, swiping, and notifications—highlighting the unconscious data generation in our online routines. These familiar yet unsettling sounds form a sonic landscape, symbolizing the constant labor feeding data to tech giants. The piece invites viewers to confront the “Unheard Labour” of maintaining an online presence, making visible the hidden effort behind every keystroke and swipe.
One Woman Symphony 是一部声音作品,捕捉了数字生活中的日常声音——打字、滑动屏幕和提示通知,突显了我们在网络活动中无意识生成的数据。这些熟悉却又令人不安的声音构成了一幅声音景观,象征着我们不断为科技巨头提供数据的隐形劳动。作品邀请观众直面维持线上存在的“无声劳动”,揭示每次击键和滑动背后隐藏的付出。