In the small and quiet – aluminium dross series (2024 – ongoing) is an homage to the crafts of the artist’s mother and grandmother. The artist’s grandmother was a traditional...
In the small and quiet – aluminium dross series (2024 – ongoing) is an homage to the crafts of the artist’s mother and grandmother. The artist’s grandmother was a traditional seamstress who supported the family, while the mother ran a metal recycling company. The piece honors the often unseen aspects of their work, such as the aluminum dross—seen as worthless scrap by the artist’s mother—and the hidden threads in the seams sewn by the grandmother. The work is a personal narrative that focuses on craft for craft’s sake, using metallic embroidery threads typically found in fabric embroidery.
In the small and quiet – aluminium dross series (2024 – 至今)为致敬艺术家母亲与祖母的工艺。艺术家的祖母是一位传统的缝纫工,凭借一针一线支撑着整个家庭,而母亲则经营着一家金属回收公司。作品向她们那些往往被忽视的工作环节致敬——如母亲眼中的无用铝渣,及祖母缝制的隐藏线头。这是一段个人的叙事,专注于工艺本身的美学,使用日常出现在布艺刺绣中的金属线,探索了工艺所蕴含的深层情感和意义。