Lim E-Lynn Joanne
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True Consent explores privacy and consent by compiling the privacy policies of different apps from Lim’s phone into eleven books. These books also include fourteen laws about data exchange in Singapore. By turning these digital documents into physical books, the artwork shows how hard it is to truly give consent online. It makes the often hidden process of data collection visible and tangible, highlighting the effort needed to protect personal privacy.
True Consent 通过将艺术家手机中不同应用程序的隐私政策汇编成十一本书,探索隐私和同意的问题。这些书籍还包含了关于新加坡数据交换的十四条法律。通过将这些数字文件转化为实体书籍,这件艺术作品展示了在网上真正给予同意的难度。它让通常隐蔽的数据收集过程变得可见且触手可及,突显了保护个人隐私所需的努力。