Supassara Ho
48.5 x 124.5 cm (framed)
10 x 14cm (micro crochet)
Further images
8: Hand Writing Series (2024) deconstructs the concept of craft and explores crochet pattern writing as a form of visualization. The artist uses global crochet chart symbols instead of text-based tutorials, which can be confusing due to varying regional terminologies. These symbols provide a clearer, more universal method for understanding crochet patterns, offering a “second way of seeing” the craft. Crochet, originally created to quickly make handmade lace, evolved into a technique that mimics knitting and weaving structures while developing into its own unique form of craft. The artist uses writing to visualize and break down the composition of crochet stitches, enabling work on a micro scale.
8: Hand Writing Series (2024) 通过解构工艺的概念,探索了将钩织图案写作作为一种可视化表达的方式。艺术家采用全球通用的钩织图表符号,而非文本教程,后者往往因地区术语差异而造成困惑。钩织符号提供了一种更直观、普遍的方法来理解图案,为工艺带来了“第二种视角”。钩织起初是为了快速制作手工花边而发明的,但随着时间推移,它逐渐发展成一种模拟编织和织布的技法,最终演变为一种独具特色的工艺形式。艺术家通过文字形式将钩织针法的构成可视化并加以解构,使得创作在微观层面得以实现。